I’m a little late in posting this, but our latest release is a classic from Okakura Kakuzō, an enlightening essay known as The Book of Tea. Originally published in 1906, Okakura explains the link between the role of tea and the aesthetic in Japanese culture and life. He wrote the book in English to give the Western reader a first-hand account of Eastern life, with no filters in between.
Okakura, overtly and subtly, takes issue with the inaccurate characterizations of Asians in general. As with so many things, there is more than meets the eye. One does not have to be a tea aficianado in order to appreciate the book. Much like coffee in the US, tea is a vehicle for expression of culture in Asia.
This edition includes historical photographs and illustrations and Okakura’s original text. With the exception of the added illustrations and cover design, we’ve retained everything from the original publication as best as we could.
While there may be many reprints of this book, I hope that you chose to purchase our version. I’ve added a foreword with a brief look at the life of Okakura Kakuzō. He was an accomplished man by any standard. So if you chose to purchase a different reprint of his book, no worries. My hope is that you read it and appreciate it.
Order your copy today at https://littleberrypress.com/product/the-book-of-tea/.

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