Our pre-press editorial and design services include:
- Professional editing (developmental, copy editing)
- Proofreading
- Interior book formatting (print and/or eBook)
- Professional cover design
- Print on-demand distribution
eBook Conversion and Distribution
This service is designed for text-based, reflowable documents including novels, textbooks, memoirs, etc. We can also convert children’s books or books with complex fixed visual layouts. If you’re interested in learning more about eBook conversion, please contact us.

Editorial Assessment
If your manuscript is still in progress or you’re new to the editorial process, getting an editorial assessment is a good way to dip your toe in the water. Not an edit of your work, the editorial assessment involves an analysis of your manuscript, usually the first 5,000 words or equivalent, and gives you feedback on the key elements. While this service is not a requirement when you are submitting to publishers or agents, it can greatly help your work before you start thinking about submissions.
We work with authors in the following genres: history, historical fiction, humor, true crime, and nonfiction. Contact us with questions and to reserve your assessment service.
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